Saturday, June 22, 2013

Weather Map Scavenger Hunt

Using Weather Maps to Predict Weather

Lesson Objective: Learners will demonstrate how to read weather maps to predict the weather using tools from online weather websites.
     In this lesson, students will work in small groups to research the use of weather maps using recommended websites. They will create a written weather report for an assigned location and will present an oral weather report by using a weather map from one of their research sites.

California Content Standard:
Fifth grade Earth Sciences (Weather) 4.d. Students know how to use weather maps and data to predict local weather and know that weather forecasts depend on many variables.

Technology Standard: NETS for Students:
Standard 3 Research and Information Fluency
 c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks

 Website Addresses Used as Resources:
1.   This is the website for the National Weather Service. Students can find national and local current forecasts, past weather, and general information about weather and safety.
2.   The Weather Channel has weather related news in addition to forecasts. Try the maps tab for different kinds of weather maps in various regions.
3.   This site will help you plan a weather report. Step 3 gives ideas on how to use a satellite map in your oral weather report. Also see link on the bottom on How to Write a Weather Report.

Student Research Questions:
Essential Question: How do meteorologists use weather maps to predict the weather? Imagine that your job is to report tomorrow's weather for ___________________ (teacher will assign your group's location). Using a variety of weather maps that your group researches online, create a written weather report. Then present it orally using a satellite map of your location to tell how you know what the weather will be like tomorrow.

Subsidiary Questions:
  1. What different types of maps do meteorologists use?
  2. What do the symbols on the maps stand for?
  3. What are some factors that influence weather patterns?
  4. What are high and low fronts and which type of weather do they bring?
  5. What is precipitation?
  6. What type of information is included in a weather report?
  7. Which words do meteorologists use when they report the weather?
  8. Which type of weather information is important for my location?
Happy hunting!

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